Returning to running as a new Mum cannot be rushed.
There are many considerations before lacing up the shoes and heading out for your first runs. These include:
👉your birth outcomes
👉your leg and hip strength
👉your pelvic floor health, strength and endurance
👉your hormones (are you still breastfeeding?)
👉your support of your pelvis and spine (integrity of your inner core strength).
Moore et al (2021) published a study with tests as basic guidelines for leg strength as required for running. Here are the tests for hips and leg strength. You can try them at home if you think you're near to these measures and to see if you are run ready as far as your strength goes:
✅can you achieve 20 single leg pelvic bridges?
✅can you achieve 20 single leg sit to stands?
✅can you achieve 20 single leg calf raises?
✅can you achieve 20 side lying leg lifts?
These tests are no means exhaustive. There are many other tests and considerations with your balance, running specific and pelvic floor muscle control. Moore et al (2021) also list these.
Check out our other posts abut the other aspects needed to start your jogging journey after pregnancy. And for further targeted and individualised advice and planning, our physios are here for you and your exact return to running.
#runningmums #returntorunning #postnatalexercise #postnatalrunning #postnatalpelvicfloor