01 Mar 2021 BY Katrina Tarrant POSTED IN Exercise, Pilates, Pregnancy, Sydney CBD Tweet Draft CBD Pilates timetable Term 2 2021 Draft 'Term 2 2021' Pilates timetable is subject to change. These classes will run for 10 WEEKS in our BRAND NEW Dymocks Building studio. Classes will commence from Tuesday 13th April 2021. Classes for this term are recommended and scheduled for: Beginners Pilates for those new to postural strength and awareness. Intermediate/advanced level Pilates for challenging and functional postural control. Pregnancy specific Pilates Classes will be mixed for all client types as listed above, and kept to a maximum of 4 per class. Contact us for further information. Tweet
Draft 'Term 2 2021' Pilates timetable is subject to change. These classes will run for 10 WEEKS in our BRAND NEW Dymocks Building studio. Classes will commence from Tuesday 13th April 2021. Classes for this term are recommended and scheduled for: Beginners Pilates for those new to postural strength and awareness. Intermediate/advanced level Pilates for challenging and functional postural control. Pregnancy specific Pilates Classes will be mixed for all client types as listed above, and kept to a maximum of 4 per class. Contact us for further information.