Want your pre-baby bodies back sooner?
Fix now stock the famous SRC Recovery Shorts for our post-natal mums.
SRC Recovery shorts offer compression and support around the pelvis an abdominal area after you have your baby. The benefits include:
- reducing caesarean and episiotomy pain
- supporting the abdominal muscles while healing after separation of pregnancy
- assisting in supporting your back and pelvis as you go about looking after your new little family addition
- giving you confidence when lifting, bathing an carrying your baby
- providing support to your pelvic floor region to support and speed wound recovery
- helping with the loss of your 'jelly belly'.
Measure for your correct size at 36 weeks pregnant and have them ready to go as soon as you have baby.
RRP $189 and attract a private health fund rebate from most insurers. Call CBD or St Leonards branches to purchase.