30 Jun 2020 BY Katrina Tarrant POSTED IN Pilates Tweet Draft Broadway term 3 2020 for Pilates classes Draft 'term 3 2020' Pilates timetable is subject to change. These classes will run for 10 WEEKS in our BROADWAY clinic. Classes will commence from Monday 20th July and end Friday 25th September 2020. We are continuing to run these classes COVID-safe with only 4 maximum in each group to allow for social distancing. We also have strict cleaning of mats and equipment, minimal equipment use and no circuits to avoid the sharing of equipment and props within class. Classes for this term at our BROADWAY clinic are recommended and scheduled for Mums&Bubs classes only at this stage. Tweet
Draft 'term 3 2020' Pilates timetable is subject to change. These classes will run for 10 WEEKS in our BROADWAY clinic. Classes will commence from Monday 20th July and end Friday 25th September 2020. We are continuing to run these classes COVID-safe with only 4 maximum in each group to allow for social distancing. We also have strict cleaning of mats and equipment, minimal equipment use and no circuits to avoid the sharing of equipment and props within class. Classes for this term at our BROADWAY clinic are recommended and scheduled for Mums&Bubs classes only at this stage.