As you are most probably aware from your time at fix, the pelvic floor at the base of the "pelvic bowl" is an important component of your classes. We strive to increase your general awareness and strength of it so to improve your back and pelvic stability.
The pelvic floor as a sling, however has several roles- postural stability, continence and sexual function. There are many methods in training the pelvic floor. At fix, we lean towards the training of the pelvic floor for spinal,pelvic and postural stability. This emphasis has the main goals of improvement of your awareness, appropriateness of contraction and timing of contraction in different positions or postures. We know that these goals are what will better support your lumbo-pelvic stability and decrease the risk of injury in the back and trunk.
There are however, other ways to train the pelvic floor, with more of a lean towards the continence side of function. This website for your girls(with the link below) is one of those, and explains very clearly the "dos and don'ts." As you read through it, you will see that this training is not much different- if at all- to what you are used to at fix.
Boys, there is less literature around about your pelvic floors by comparison , however we know that you too also need to attend to your pelvic floor exercises daily.
It is good to know that by training the pelvic floor (like at fix in as far as the timing of the contractions before movement and building on endurance), ALL functions of the pelvic floor will improve -postural for your back pain, continence now and in the future and for sexual function.
If you have any concerns about your pelvic floor, speak to your physio. Pelvic floor dysfunctional is common but is not normal. And it can be treated!