30 Nov 2010 BY Katrina Tarrant POSTED IN Sydney CBD Tweet 2011 Staff Changes at Fix CBD As most of you will be aware, Katrina will be heading off at the end of January to have another baby. This has meant a re-shuffle of the physio staff to cover all classes. There will be minimal change to the term timetable and classes offered. The changes include: Alla will teach 2 full days from her usual 1, and will now instruct Mondays and Wednesdays; Sue will increase her hours and teach Tuesday lunch and all Thursday lunch and evening classes; Christine will increase her hours teaching to include Tuesday evening and Friday lunch classes. Melanie who now teaches on a Monday will be sadly leaving us as she heads off on her own entrenpreneurial pursuits. She is opening her own private physiotherapy practice, which will offer physiotherapy, dietetics and The Fix Program! So, although we may lose her at the CBD branch, we will still have her in the Fix Program family. We all wish her all the good luck and fortune. Tweet
As most of you will be aware, Katrina will be heading off at the end of January to have another baby. This has meant a re-shuffle of the physio staff to cover all classes. There will be minimal change to the term timetable and classes offered. The changes include: Alla will teach 2 full days from her usual 1, and will now instruct Mondays and Wednesdays; Sue will increase her hours and teach Tuesday lunch and all Thursday lunch and evening classes; Christine will increase her hours teaching to include Tuesday evening and Friday lunch classes. Melanie who now teaches on a Monday will be sadly leaving us as she heads off on her own entrenpreneurial pursuits. She is opening her own private physiotherapy practice, which will offer physiotherapy, dietetics and The Fix Program! So, although we may lose her at the CBD branch, we will still have her in the Fix Program family. We all wish her all the good luck and fortune.