Healthy neuro-dynamics for your upper trunk and arm nerve pathways.
Reduce arm tightness, aches and neck tension while building your spinal and postural muscle endurance.
Scoop sand while sitting at your desk.
1. Sitting supported in your chair, ‘grow tall’ through your waists and gently lift your breastbone.
2. Lengthen gently through the back of your neck, lifting the base of your skull away from your shoulders.
3. Now imaging a full bucket of sand by your hip. Scoop deeply into your bucket for a handful of sand, bringing it up to your shoulder and then pushing it away from you to your side.
4. Move slowly, working on your tall posture. Keep your shoulders soft and down.
5. Return to your bucket for another scoop and repeat 5 times on each side.
6. Visualise your nerve pathways gliding and sliding up and down in your arm.
Meandering around your muscles and joints all the way up into your neck where they originate. Your nerves are quite cream in colour and in your arm, about the thickness on a piece of twine. The nerves are actually coated by a tube of protective proteins called the neural tube and there are many branches breaking away from each other like a river and its tributaries.
7. For those of you who are interested, why not google ‘brachial plexus’ for some images of your upper limb nerve pathways.
8. Don’t be afraid of your nerves! They are lovely and stretchy and adore being gently mobilised.