The Feldenkrais Method is a holistic approach to movement and body awareness that aims to improve physical functioning. Developed by Moshe Feldenkrais, an Israeli engineer and physicist, the method is grounded in principles of neuroscience, biomechanics, and psychology. It consists of two main components - Awareness Through Movement (ATM) and Functional Integration (FI).
Awareness Through Movement
ATM involves guided movement sequences designed to increase self-awareness, improve posture, and enhance flexibility. These sessions often take the form of verbally instructed group classes, where participants explore different movements to develop a deeper understanding of their own body mechanics.
In these classes, you might walk, stand, or sit in a chair, although usually, you will lie on the floor in a variety of comfortable positions. The teacher guides students through a sequence of movements, encouraging them to move with gentle attention within a comfortable range. Students can become more aware of unexpected and interesting connections within and between the movements, with often improving quality of movement, and the release of unnecessary muscular tensions throughout the body.
Functional Integration
FI, on the other hand, is a one-on-one approach where a Feldenkrais practitioner uses gentle touch and skilled manipulation to guide an individual's movements. This personalized approach helps clients release tension, correct imbalances, and discover more efficient ways of moving.
Feldenkrais v Pilates
While both the Feldenkrais Method and Pilates are approaches that focus on improving movement and body awareness, they have distinct differences in terms of their principles, techniques, and goals.
The Feldenkrais Method emphasizes subtle and mindful exploration of movement. It encourages individuals to become more aware of their body sensations, habits, and limitations. The emphasis is on cultivating a deep understanding of one's own body mechanics and finding more efficient ways of moving.
Pilates, on the other hand, is a structured exercise system focussing on building core strength, flexibility, and overall body conditioning through precise movements. Pilates exercises are often more dynamic and physically demanding than Feldenkrais movements. The primary goal of Pilates is to strengthen muscles, improve posture, and enhance physical fitness.
Photo by Bruce Mars on Unsplash