by Samah Elomari, Women's health physiotherapist
We women, with our moods and energy levels will often find ourselves blaming our menstrual cycle for most things! At the same time, driving our housemates or partners mad!
Ladies, let's turn it all around and use our changing hormone levels every month for the better! Here are women's health physiotherapist Samah's top 6 tips for exercising and training throughout your month.
Tip 1. At the end of your period and the week after, you are building more and faster muscle mass. This is due to the rise in oestrogen. Use these weeks to work on your strength training and lifting.
Tip 2. Around ovulation, your testosterone levels go up. Testosterone makes you feel competitive, powerful and energetic. This is perfect for competition day and running. At this time, you also have better coordination and faster reaction times – great for if you’re trying to learn dance or gymnastics routines. Book those dance classes and attend Zumba classes at this time i the middle of your cycle. Find your feet if you are usually tripping over them!
Tip 3.If looking to lose fat, you’ll burn up to 30% more fat during aerobic exercise in those 7 days after ovulation. This is due to the rising combination of estrogen and progesterone, which fires up your body’s ability to burn fat.