The pelvis really is the key to great function and alignment of the spine and the hips. Consider it like a building foundation - strong, supportive, level - offering the best chance for the tall spine (or skyscraper) to remain aligned. Bad foundation, bad issues above. So, how do you find this magical foundation? By becoming more aware of how you hold your pelvis as you sit, stand, or even workout.
Let's keep it super simple, so you can make little changes everyday when you notice your postures.
✅ Imagine your pelvis as a bowl, full of water if you wish. As a safe foundation for your spine above, try to keep your bowl level. This way, your foundation for the muscles and vertebra above will be balanced and your trunk will be happier for it.
✅ Know that when you slump in sitting, your bowl would be tipping backwards, with water falling out the back rim of your bowl.
✅ Likewise, when standing, tucking your bottom under would result in the same spillage of water (and also flattening your natural and desired lower back curve, where joints, muscles, ligaments and discs are in the best alignments).
✅ Does our bowl tip the other way? Perhaps you are standing or sitting stiffly "at attention," overdoing the tall posture thing? This would increase the compression and depth of your lower back arch, usually making things feel not too happy in this position with your pelvic foundation like so.
✅Try levelling your bowl when sitting, standing, or as you workout at the gym or Pilates.
A non-ideal bowl position would be one that tips backward (like sitting slumped), tips forward (over arched back), or even sidewards (hip hanging when standing). Even sitting crossed legged or sitting on your curled up leg underneath can create twists at your pelvic bowl, and ultimately, an unhappier posture for your trunk above.
Give it go! Balance your bowl level.
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