Holding our posture up all day can be quite a tiring feat. Our bodies are so terribly good at adapting for the needs we place on it. Often these adaptations are great strategies, but often, they are not. We 'cheat' and often begin to use muscles and strategies not quite ideal and often a cause of tension, poor alignment and pain.
Every single one of us has our little 'strategies' to cope and respond with the loads and stresses we put on our body all day, no matter how small. You would be lying if you didn't fall into some non-ideal postures and habits in your day. Young children are possibly the only ones who can boast good posture. This is at least before long days sitting at school and carrying big backpacks begin to change things.
Awareness is half the battle here when it comes to posture cheats. When you begin to recognise your daily postures more, it is easy to then make small changes to 'unlearn' or to find other ways to hold your posture all day. Butt gripping is a very common one of these. Perhaps these below are you?
😮 Can you sense your self holding your buttocks clenched?
😮 Do you sit on clenched buttocks when you are at work all day?
😮 Do you butt 'wink' or tuck when you squat, or go to sit down on a chair?
😮 Do you clench your buttocks actively on squat to stand?
😮 Do you often 'lose' or dig out your knickers or pants that have found their way up your bottom?
Butt gripping as a long term 'strategy' that can cause your hip joint to be more compressed in the pelvis, preventing freedom of movement in the hip socket. Hip pain can develop. Butt gripping can also cause pelvic pain, a tight pelvic floor, and even back pain. Hips and butts are often a part of a well rounded back pain rehab program of exercises.
Are you a 'butt gripper'? Begin by determining if you are and see if you can soften across your buttocks whenever you feel the tension.
Visit a physio (at The Fix Program even) who can use manual techniques and awareness exercises to help you learn to let that butt gripping go!
Did you know that there are other posture cheats? Perhaps you tend to back grip or chest grip too? Intrigued? Check out our other posts and make a healthy change to your posture habits.
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